Good Causes


Elaborate livelihood and income generation of Afghan people

Elaborate livelihood and income generation of Afghan people including returnees, IDPs and most vulnerable host community members through providing skill development and micro business support in west region provinces (in line with SDG# 1)

Contribute in life-saving food security of conflict

Contribute in life-saving food security of conflict and natural disaster affected families in western region of Afghanistan through providing adequate and timely food assistance for most vulnerable food insecure families in displacement and place of origins areas (in line with SDG# 2)

Enhancing the access to education for children

Enhancing the access to education for children as the one of the fundamental rights for children at the age of the school and those who have been deprived school due to conflict and displacement through establishment of community-based schools and adults learning courses in western region provinces (in line with SDG #4)

Increasing respect to human rights

Increasing respect to human rights, women rights and prevention and response to gender-based violence in western region provinces through provision of awareness raising activities, community dialogue and enhancing responsiveness on gender-based violence and gender equality (in line with SDG #5)

Improving access to safe drinking water

Improving access to safe drinking water, sanitation services and hygiene practices and clean community through mobilization of citizens in according to community based total sanitation (CLTS) in western region provinces (in line with SDG # 6)

development and building of Afghan

Contribution in development and resilience building of Afghan families and communities through durable solution initiatives such prominent shelter, WASH facilities, DRR and mitigation initiatives in western region province in next 5 years

About us

A Dream In Their Mind is our mission

Collaborate with team members to rally support

Improving socio-economic well-being of Afghan people including women, men, children, person with disabilities, elderly and other marginalized groups through providing adequate life saving emergency assistance, recovery services and contribute in development and resilience building of Afghan families and communities in an appropriate and sustainable manner.

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Time Frame Of Our Journey 

TSDCO has established at the beginning of 2007

The TSDCO has established at the beginning of 2007 by a number of social activists in Qala-e-Naw city, Badghis province Afghanistan to help the Afghan needy and deprived people in western region provinces

registered in Ministry of Economics

. The TSDCO was officially registered in Ministry of Economics of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on 18/07/2012 with the registration number of 2680. TSDCO aims to contribute in socio-economic development of the country and well-being of Afghan nationals through provision of live-saving emergency assistance, recovery, development and resilience building initiatives and activities.

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